
Web or device, desktop or the cloud, robotics or healthcare - This page is dedicated to those - who eat, sleep, and live to build unimaginable concepts, and magnificent applications with remarkably useful applications in .net technology.

Whatever .Net it is - we share, and encourage others to do the same.

Join facebook page to get daily .Net tips from experts.

Web site. Facebook group.

Dev Skill

Dev Skill works for increasing software developer’s expertise and qualification through software development contests, events, seminars and training.

Web site. Facebook group.

Techforum Technical Community

We work together for a common goal. We support and encourage each other…. We continuously learn.

Facebook group.


The world is missing a transparent system that can allow donors to directly contribute to verified receivers and follow up with them in a trustworthy way. We are going to fill this up, primarily to stand beside Bangladesh in any emergency need.

Web site. Facebook group.